Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lille, France : Operation Internship

A year has flown by since I begrudgingly got on the return flight from Paris to Salt Lake. I decided right then and there that no matter what, I would get back to France if it was the last thing I did. Then, as if by fate, in December I was offered a fabulous internship at the UniversitĂ© Catholique de Lille, the largest private university in France. Monsieur Yvon Lebras and CĂ©dric Lepoutre have been coordinating the logistics with me but here is the gist of what I will be doing: In the department of economic sciences and business management at the university there are several students who wish to work in international business, however their English skills are lacking and when it comes to interviews, they’ll need some practice. So, I’m going to spend half of my time working with them, and the other half as the administrative assistant for the dean, Monsieur Didier Van Peteghem. They will be paying for my housing and I will live ten minutes away in an international residence. Lille, being the fifth largest city in France and the cultural capital of Europe, has much to offer. I am very anxious to visit as much as I can and soak in the enchanting French life once again. In response to several inquiries, yes, I will miss Gavin very much. I can only hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder. But even though being far from him will be an adjustment, we both know what an amazing opportunity this is. Twelve days until takeoff! Bon voyage!