Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thank heavens for the weekends! I’m exhausted! But I finally loaded a few pictures on to put them on here. The first is of the Dean’s family; they are absolutely darling. Marie, his wife, is a fabulous artist and her paintings are everywhere in sight so I snapped a shot of one of the corners. Next, while walking home from “English and Beer Night” as it’s called, I passed the Opera house. I had a good time there speaking with several friends of one of my colleagues Amélie Montaigne. She invited me and said most of her friends had visited the states or the UK and wanted to practice their English so each week they met at the bar L’Olibruis and spoke together. I enjoyed meeting new people and hearing their stories. The last picture is just of me while walking back to the Metro in downtown Lille. Oh, I got the written portion of my test back from the university, and surprisingly, I did very well! I took a picture I was so excited. (First page shown below). Thursday was my first night at institute. The teacher is fabulous and he gave a great lesson on eternal marriage. There are about a dozen young adults who come and they have all been so welcoming and inclusive toward me. Last night we all got together for dinner and ironically, of all things, watched High School Musical 3 dubbed in French. :) It was fun though, and both the investigators and members there had a good time. Today is Saturday and I’m exhausted and glad to have a slower pace. However, I’m hoping to go see some museums today since today is the day they call the “white night of the museums.” Basically it means that they all stay open throughout the whole night and they’re free for students! Until later…

1 comment:

steph said...

Haleigh, I love your pictures! You look fantastic, and great job on the "test"!!