Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine’s…2.14.08…Happy Love Day! I figured everyone needed to feel a little of the amour de Paris, hence the picture by Hotel de Ville. Quite the romantic city today…couples everywhere to be seen. Every flower shop and chocolaterie were bustling with men. In class today, we’ve been bugging Brother Welch for awhile to tell us how he discovered chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, so here’s the story: He was on his mission in Germany, and at the time, Chiasmus had been discovered in the Bible in 1829, but only one page in one British record was published about it, followed by a small article in 1850, so it was quite unheard of, but one day, he passed a Catholic cathedral, and they were having a class on it. Well, it was his P Day, so he and his companion decided to go. The man teaching the class had just published a book with a section on it, so later that day, Brother Welch went and bought the book to learn a little more. He said he found it very interesting but didn't have time to dwell on it. Then, a few nights later, he woke up at four a.m., because he heard a loud voice say, "If it's evidence of the Hebrew style in the Bible, then it’s evidence of the Hebrew style in the Book of Mormon." He was sure it was his companion, but he was asleep. Well, he was officially awake, so thought to himself, "Well, if it's here, then where??" He said he got the idea that he should just keep reading where he had left off that night. Within two minutes he had stumbled upon Mosiah 5:10-12. King Benjamin's speech is full of examples. Upon finding Mosiah 3:18-19, this one made quite an impression. When the scriptures were in scroll form, this one would have been dead center of the scroll: 2315 lines before it, 2315 lines after it. To this day, it is the most frequently cited scripture of the Book of Mormon ever in General Conference. It makes sense that it would be the first thing one would see as the scroll was unrolled. He was so excited, the first thing he did when he got home from his mission, was tell his good friend Hugh Nibley. He agreed then and there to be his mentor for his thesis on it. :) Well, he then went back to the man that wrote the book and showed him. He has now published several articles, books, and given numerous discourses on it. I'm so amazed I have him as my teacher!

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