Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mes Juliennes..

Today was my last day living with the Julienne’s…what a sad sad thought. For dinner, Madame made my favorite things; tarte au poivron et tomate, salade des endives, and mousse au chocolat…mmm.. and then she gave me a little present called “fraises tagadas,” a strawberry candy that I’d always heard of but never actually tried. Then we took family pictures, and she took us for a ride around Paris at night! It was gorgeous…To see it all lit up was amazing! When I got home, Lidwine had put a little note in my bed that said “gros bisous et tu me manqueras, a bientôt,” (big kisses & I’ll miss you, see you soon.” The sweet thing is that she left it with one of her chocolate Easter eggs that I know she loves…I’m really going to miss these sweet Juliennes, I’m glad I get one more week with them when I come back. Night…


steph said...

Haleigh, what a lovely family. I know they will miss you so much, and you them. I bet you will keep in touch for a long time. I appreciate them taking care of you.Steph

annette said...

I can't believe your time there is winding down already. It seemed like you would be there a long time. I guess it is true, time flies when you are having fun. What a wonderful experience. Now make sure you pick your mother up at the airport. I can't imagine what would happen if you didn't!!!! luv ya nettie