Finally Finally Here! Bonjour! The flight over was unreal - A quick overview: We were nearly over Ottowa and our plane's radar broke! The pilot said weather conditions were good enough to get us to Chicago airport..the setback? The plane was loaded with too much fuel to land. So, in order to lighten the plane we had to fly around burning fuel for an extra hour. Well, after quite a bit of hoopla, we got to Paris..seeing as we were over 6 hours later than expected, we missed the shuttle I had reserved, so..I took a deep breath, rehearsed some lines, and went to the nicest looking Parisienne I could see. I'm not sure if it was my accent or my worried face, but she giggled and offered to call and get me another shuttle. Phew! All who warned me that Parisians speak fast were dead right..but, all who told me that it becomes easier quickly, were also dead right :). Today was Church - it was magnifique! We doubled the size of the ward, but the Saints here in Saint Mendé (area of the city, like Edgemont=Provo) are so strong. It is evident that they sacrifice a lot to live the gospel. One woman moved here 5 weeks ago because her husband was promoted to a great job, and she's only ever taken high school French, yet beleive it or not, just last week they called her to the Relief Society, she spoke in Sacrament Meeting, and sings in the ward choir. These members dive into the work with all their effort. They've already recruited us for enrichment service projects next Saturday! :D As touristy as this sounds, I went to the Champs de Mars tonight to watch the Eiffel Tower sparkle, and it is NOT an exaggerated's breathtaking. There are billions of blinking lights that shimmer for a few minutes each dusk. I hope this wasn't too boring-Until next time, Au Revoir!